Andy King

Andy King (also known as “Captain Andy”) was born and bred in Ohio, but is a true Floridian at heart. He has been with us since he was a young lad just out of high school. No one works harder or puts in more hours at the business than Andy. He is the resident mechanic and keeps track of just about everything. If you call on the phone or come into the office, you will probably be dealing with him. We are lucky to have Andy as part of our team. When he finally gets home from work, he enjoys fishing and then cooking his catch!
Ellen Mohlenhoff

Ellen Mohlenhoff is Andy’s aunt and godmother. She can be found helping in the office when it is busy. All the employees have a soft spot for her as she is the one writing the paychecks! Andy and her make a great team, and it takes both of them to run the office when it gets busy. As an Ohio native, she is devoted to all things Cleveland, including the Browns, Indians and Cavaliers.
Eric Mohlenhoff

Eric Mohlenhoff works behind the scenes upstairs at his computer or back in the shed, all the while listening to a music collection of about 16,000 songs. His music collection has a little bit of everything, including Classical, Bruce Springsteen, Elvis, Country and a lot of Jazz. After working at the business for nearly 30 years, there is not much he has not seen or done. He enjoys going out to dinner with his wife Ellen and getting artsy by creating local fish out of aluminum.
Jonathan Mohlenhoff

Born and raised here at the business, Jonathan found his way back to Bonita Boat Rentals after living in Orlando for several years. He brought his family with him and is thrilled to be back on the water and fishing again! He has also designed and built our real-time boat tracking and alert systems.
Audrey Mohlenhoff

Audrey grew up in Texas and came to Florida for college. She met Jonathan there and they were married in Bonita with a beautiful reception at the Motel. She enjoys the laid-back lifestyle and is active in all aspects of the business. It seemed fated for them to continue the family legacy and raise their son and daughter here!

Geordi is Audrey’s shadow, and the newest resident watchdog at Bonita Boat Rentals! He can be found near the dock with Scout or in the office relaxing. Being a beagle, Geordi would willingly take any leftover lunch bites!
Richard Mohlenhoff

Richard Mohlenhoff (also affectionately known as “The Old Man” or “Big M”) played a key role in starting Bonita Boat Rentals with Eric and Ellen back in 1988. He was responsible for buying our first pontoon boats back in the old days. He is now retired from the business, but a lot of people still ask for him. It usually goes something like, “Where’s the old man? He always gives me a deal.” The “Big M” was Bonita Boat Rentals’ main office worker for many years, a born salesman. For the past couple decades, he could be found slaving away at paper work. Of course by “slaving away” we mean leisurely drinking his coffee, and most of his “paper work” consisted of reading the New York Post. He is sorely missed.

Scout is Andy’s newest dog and a welcome addition to the Bonita Boat Rentals crew! His chief jobs here include alerting the staff when a customer arrives and lizard hunting.
Snoop Dog

Andy’s partner in crime for nearly 15 years, Snoop “Dog” faithfully came to work with him every single day for his role as unofficial mascot of Bonita Boat Rentals. Everyone who frequents the business knew and adored our Snoop, and we all miss him dearly. We are grateful for the special life he had here at the docks and find comfort in knowing he truly lived his life to the fullest! From greeting customers to encouraging every fisherman with something on the end of his line – Snoop was able to teach the new puppy all the tricks of the trade when it comes to being a dock dog and we know Scout and Geordi sure have some big paws to fill. Rest in peace our beloved Snoop!